Fashion design is the art concerned with the application of design and aesthetics to clothing and accessories. Fashion design is influenced by cultural and social attitudes, and has varied over time and place. Fashion designers work in a number of ways in designing clothing and accessories.
The A-list is a term that alludes to major movie stars, and/or the most bankable in the Hollywood movie industry.
The A-list is part of a larger guide called The Hot List that has become an industry-standard guide in Hollywood.n popular usage outside the movie industry, an "A-list celebrity" simply refers to any person with an admired or desirable social status.
Paparazzi (singular: Paparazzo) is an Italian term used to refer to photojournalists who specialize in candid photography of celebrities, politicians, and other prominent people. Paparazzi tend to be independent contractors, unaffiliated with a mainstream media organization.
Gig is a term commonly used by musicians with reference to their performances. A gig is any type of performance with audience. A musician has a gig when he or she has a show to play. Likewise, when a musician or a musical band playing multiple shows in one location or touring, the term used is gigging.